Shortly before Samsung officially announced her new tablet Galaxy Note 7, and as we know it 
exceeded the number 6 to become note category and feed on the same annual numbering. Here a image  compares the telephone specifications Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy Note 7 until you know that it was worth the upgrade and buy a new phone, or do you prefer to keep the old one. If you have a Galaxy Note older than 5, it is important to know the developments made by Samsung in the new phone.
In short, the most prominent new things that came out note 6 Add the curved sides of the screen is resistant to water and dust and can survive for half an hour when submerged meter and a half of water. There are developments in the camera using dual pixel technology with the use of usb-c of the new port which allows charging and data transfer faster.
Samsung and remedied the previous generation error and added a port for external memory cards, and new and distinctive things all smartphones is a delicate iris of the eye to give you more security.
Note-5-s7-Note-7-Comparison_0728 (1)

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