Video is the future; Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg said as much at the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event prior to MWC earlier this year. Since then, the Facebook universe has been gradually tuned towards video content. Facebook purchased face-swapping app MSQRD three months ago, and today the latest update sees iOS users able to stream through Facebook Live.

Beginning in March 2016, Facebook became enamored with face-swapping app MSQRD after it stormed the download charts in iTunes and Google Play. Updates have seen new masks added, but little has arrived in terms of new features. But now, iOS MSQRD users have the possibility of live streaming their masquerading antics on their Facebook page.

During the live streams, it is possible to decorate your face with the numerous live masks. Facebook users who tune in to the live stream are able to send you messages or to Like your performance. You can see how the new live streaming feature looks on iOS by watching my short demo video.

Video content is the future
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Currently, the live stream feature is only available for iOS users. Android users will have to be patient and wait. But it is expected that Facebook will integrate the feature in the Android app shortly. As Mark Zuckerberg has said: video content is the future.

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